Sunday, June 23, 2013

TonyB's Good Cookin'! - Chicken Salad Made w/Iceberg Lettuce, Avocados, Feta Cheese, Artichoke Hearts

Tony B does it again! I am not a healthy eater. I especially do not like salads. However, TonyB makes the best salads. He makes them look 'pretty.' Take a look. I like vinegar and oil, so he's always trying to perfect it for me. I remember eating at a mexican restaurant when I was a little girl, and I loved the salad dressing. Somehow, I can still remember what it taste like. 

I also added the spice you see. It's called tajin Clásico Seasoning. A wonderful friend at my local Y bought a couple of bottles for me. I am hooked on it. I will put in on everything—when I can get away with it. It has a tangy taste to it. I love it!

1 comment:

Sandra Foster said...

Going to have to try this recipe. Avacado is one of the healthiest fats nature has provided us and protein too. Thanks for sharing GloryB!