About Me

My beloved Grandma Annie and me, as a toddler

(Rev. 09/21/15)
I find it very hard to write about myself. Not sure what to say. Don't want to put out too much info, yet I guess, if you blog, people want to know something about you.

Not much to tell, except married forty years, (Oct. 2015 ) to TonyB--"the best cook in the world,"—his words, not mine, although everyone who has tasted his food agrees.
I am a mother of two very successful adult daughters’ who are both married and have children. One daughter, a published Children’s Book Illustrator, has a young boy, who is almost nine, and a five-year-old girl; while the other daughter is a force to be reckoned with in Sales. She has a seven-year-old boy, a three-year-old feisty little girl, and a one-year-old baby boy! The things she writes on Facebook about them are hilarious! To me, she is the perfect mom writing about the imperfections of being a perfect mom.

I love sew crafty things other than just clothing and quilts. I like sewing things to make my life easier. One favorite thing I started making a few years ago, is something I call a neck purse. I started making them when I first joined my local Y. I wanted to have my hands free when I was on the treadmill. It's evolved since then. I make them for friends and sold a few, but I'm always trying to perfect it. I make them using different materials, such as cotton fabric, as well as towels that I cut in have lengthwise. I also make them different widths. I've had many people approach me as to where I got it. I happily tell them I make them! Here are a few examples.

My Daughter is modeling the one made on the left.
I made it for her.
This one's made of cotton, except for the neck which is made from a store-bought terry cloth towel.
All cotton made with key fob.
A few more made of cotton.
This is the one I wear everywhere. I get more compliments on this one than any other. I've also made a fancy one out of brocade for when I get to play dress up. I'll take a pic of it someday.

One other thing about me regarding sewing is, if, lets say I sew a iPhone case, I tend make it way more complicated then it has to be. I add little pockets with zippers and snaps or velcro to store other little things.

Once when I was sewing a baby bonnet for a grand daughter, it took me a whole day, while my artist daughter made one less than two hours!

Lastly, I hate to cook. I mean I really hate to cook. That's where TonyB comes in. He is the "best cook in the world!" Besides, I'm a terrible cook. The pictures of food I show will always be something he has made for me and others.