Monday, June 23, 2014

Mini RoseAngel Art Quilt Using Transparency + Baby Wipes (Unused ofcourse!)

Well, here is another RoseAngel Mini Art Quilt.

I know it’s been a couple of months since I posted anything, but life seemed to get in the way. I wish I could be like a lot of other craft bloggers out there who post weekly. Even if life does get in the way, they somehow still manage to put beautiful and amazing work out every week! My hat’s off to you wonderful craft bloggers out there.

Anyway, here is the finished project. This one measures about 10” x 12”. The fabric used was utility (bottom layer), ticking, (striped layer) and home decor (paisley). I put batting between the home decor and ticking fabric to raise the picture a bit. I added some decorative stitching, as well as stitched the see-through ribbon that went around the frame, (on the utility fabric).

A couple of unusual things I used: One was that I had some unused baby wipes that had dried out. I washed them, then dyed them. I also found that not all baby wipes are the same. I have a few different brands, and found the ones that feel more like cotton, work better. They are softer, and take the dye better. I put one under the printed out transparency picture. 
That’s the second unusual thing I used. I found a box of old transparancies from the early 90’s, the ones used for color copiers for overhead projectors. I printed on them using my laser printer, since it also uses toner. (Just so I don’t waste any of the sheets, I print a few pictures on one sheet, then cut them out. If I had to buy some more, I’m sure they would be expensive. (Example: Staples brand is 100 sheets for around $62. I also looked and saw that there are ones for laser printers for around $21 for 50 sheets.)

A closeup of my Mommy when she was a little girl, dressed as an angel. She sure was a beautiful little thing. She also grew up to be a very beautiful Wife, Mom, “Grandma Mom” (as my daughters’ called her), and Great-grandma, inside and out.

I made the decorative roses. This one was made out of fabric scraps, with a pearl tucked inside; while the one just below it was made from ribbon.

I took vintage costume jewelry for the other added decorations. I found this shiny small round “diamond” button, (including the one above, as well as two others I used), put through a very, very old safety pen. (I’ll take a pic of it one day soon. Hopefully. Don’t hold your breath.)


This ribbon has an earring attached.

I wrote this little saying for added decoration.

Here is the see-through ribbon that goes around the frame,where I used a decorative stitch to attach it to the utility fabric.

I added little “pearls,” using a pearl paint pen on the rick-rack. (Plus here’s a closer look at the fiber baby wipe. It’s a sage green color, even though it looks very light here.)