Monday, July 23, 2012

Marisa's No-Sew Super Hero Capes for Small Children

While my youngest daughter Marisa was on maternity leave, she thought she would make some super hero capes--18 to be exact--to give away at her son's 4th birthday party this past June.

At first her sister and I thought that she might be crazy to want to make that many--too much work--but she did it! In her own words: "These were super easy!"

To make the logos, Marisa purchased Quilter's Template made the templates for the logos using Quilter's Template plastic she bought at JoAnn's store. She then used the templates on felt to make the logos. She did an excellent job! I helped in cutting out the capes that were made from fleece using toddler bibs as a template.  She folded the bib, then traced around the neck, then made the tracing bigger and longer to make the cape. Marisa thought the capes had to be cut with scissors because she never heard of a rotary cutter! Bless her heart.

Anyway, for the neck closure, I started out sewing the velcro on the necks of four of them, then ending up gluing on the velcro on the rest. Well see how well the glue stays on. If they do, then this could be a no-sew project.

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