Monday, August 1, 2011

Resuable Lined Grocery Bags

In the city where I live, beginning today, August 1, 2011, the grocery stores have finally banned plastic bags. They can still be purchased, but it will cost 10¢. So, I've decided to make my own. I know that sounds cheap, but I've been meaning to make some any way that were close to those plastic bags that were used. I found a very good tutorial over at NTHNBUTMOONSHINE. The directions were very clear and easy to follow. The fabric I used was a good sturdy cotton fabric. I will be making more of these, including some that won't have any lining as well.

Gusset Opened
Gusset Closed
Filled Bag -  Front

Another View Filled Bag - Front

Filled Bag - Sidways

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