Monday, June 25, 2012

A Whimsical Apron Made by Fay

A few of weeks ago, I met this wonderful sweet woman at a JoAnns store. Her name is Fay. She made aprons that she gives away! Normally, that wouldn't be a big deal, but the aprons she made obviously took a lot of time to make and are absolutely gorgeous and whimsical.

With her permission, I snapped a picture of the one below. While we were chatting at the store, she was approached by other shoppers to sell her aprons. She said that she makes them for free, and it wouldn't be fun to have to make them for people for profit. This picture doesn't do justice to the real thing. All of her aprons that she brought to the store were awesome! I took her phone number, as I would love to see more of them.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Double Eyeglass Holder

Since I carry reading glasses as well as prescription sunglasses at the same time, I needed something to be able to carry them in. So I made this. It has a zipper on both sides, as well as a long strap to carry over my shoulder.
This is made without using a pattern. I just made it up as I went along. I only wish that I took pictures when making it, because I can't remember how to do it--again.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Canister Vacuum Cleaner Cover

First off, I cannot believe I used to vacuum my previous house we lived in for 25 years with room-to-room carpeting sometimes up to three times a day!
I went through vacuum cleaners like crazy. I was the one who while at the store literally used to plug a few in, then tested them. None, ever lasted for more than six months.  Crazy huh?!  My family used to joke that when I died, they were going to cremate me, vacuum me up, then bury me with whatever vacuum cleaner I had at the time.

By the way, I purchased this vacuum cleaner back in 2007. It is the Riccar 1800 Premium Canister that had a 3-year comprehensive warranty and a 5-year motor warranty.

It is a little on the heavy side and the rubber hose had to be replaced, but the suction to this day is still going very strong!

 The Riccar brand is never advertised and it is expensive, but so worth it. This one was considered at the time the "crème de la crème of the Riccar canister line."  It has lasted me about 5 years!  So, I will probably purchase another Riccar when the time comes.

That might be a while, since we just moved to a house that has hardwood floors, except for the three bedrooms--which are carpeted.

Anyway, because I always keep it out, I decided to make a cover for it. I didn't make a sewing pattern for it. For the openings, I used directions for tissue box cover opening.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Another Baby Ensemble

Here is another ensemble I made for another little baby.  Everything is made using cotton fabric, except for the bib and burp cloths. The solid color side is made using flannel.
Baby boy or girl ensemble
Gerber cotton onesie with appliqué 

Flannel and cotton burp cloth
Burp cloth - another view

Burp cloth - opened
Burp cloth - up close

Cotton pants
Cotton bib - flannel on other side