Monday, May 28, 2012

Baby Ensemble - Flannel with Gecko Pattern Fabric

I made this baby ensemble for a friend of mine who recently had a baby. She worked out at our local Y up to one week after the baby was due! I remember when she was in her 38th week, we were running, and she sped past me! Of course, when she was able to work out again a few weeks after the baby came, she looked great!

Anyway, she had a precious baby boy. I made the usual pants, bib, blanket, burp cloth, and onesie out of flannel, except for the store bought Gerber Onesies. 

The last pic shows the blanket used as wrapping to hold everything together.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Beautiful Burp Cloths

Our youngest daughter just had a beautiful baby girl! She is about four weeks old. So now that makes our forth and final grandbaby--two boys and two girls. "The kitchen is now closed." Our two daughters now each have a boy and a girl respectively.

 Here are burp cloths I made for the newest little grand baby girl. These are made of cotton (front), with flannel (back). This is the first time that I am using flannel instead of the Gerber pre-folded diapers. Flannel is much softer and lighter.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Missing Our Mothers

Ouch! I can't believe I haven't blogged in a few months! And…I don't have any excuses. I really meant to blog, but time just kept getting away from me. Believe me, I truly admire those that manage to keep it up--you know who you are!

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  This is the picture I use for everything.  Mom, I miss you now and always!  God Bless to all of those who have lost their Moms and think of them everyday--I know I do.